Has feminism changed? We don’t hear the rhetoric that I posted in the “No Longer in Sheep’s Garb” blog very much anymore. Why is that?
Go back and look at the dates of those awful quotations from influential feminists. They were made in the late 20th century – 1970s, 1980s and such….a long time ago.
Why don’t we hear much of that kind of talk anymore? I think it’s because “It’s a done deal” – at least in the west. We are a thoroughly feminized nation from the economy, the family and even down to the church. Feminists have pretty much achieved their goals in the western world and are now seeking to make them international. On September 20, 2014, a conference was conducted at the United Nations to promote international feminism and equal rights. The goal is to engage men and boys in the promotion of feminism. The keynote speaker was an actress from a Harry Potter movie – Emma Watson. She has been selected by the United Nations to be the Goodwill UNWoman ambassador for a new UN initiative called HeForShe. Emma Watson launched the campaign with an emotional speech called by Vanity Fair magazine “a game changer”. Though this accolade has been disputed by others she certainly has been given an important platform from which to launch the campaign. Read more ....